KarStanS Sp. z o.o.
ul. Świętej Katarzyny 4a/2
87-100 Toruń
tel/fax: (56) 652 13 63
KarStanS Ltd. Economic Consultants was established in July 1990. It is a private consulting Company.
Our client database consists of private companies (national and international), state owned enterprises, governmental institutions and local authorities.
In the first stage of the development of our company: advisory in the scope of ownership changes, within the framework of conducted privatisation processes was our main area of activity. KarStanS Ltd. took part in the privatization processes of several enterprises throughout Poland. The experience we have gained has become very useful in conducting restructuring processes. KarStanS Ltd. has carried out all the essential work throughout the entire privatization and restructuring processes. All enterprises that have been privatised or restructured by KarStanS Ltd. are nowadays in a sound economic condition. The strength of our Company is a broad experience in carrying out restructuring processes.
During the last few years, we have conducted several hundred economical-financial analyses, prognoses and business plans for various purposes. A few examples of our main activities are: projects related to planned capital relations, trade agreements, expansion or establishment of economic activity and widely understood counseling for the purposes of banking.
We are also experienced in enterprise and company property appraisal and stock value appraisal.
KarStanS Ltd. is also specialized in training people for making economic and financial analyses.
We are experts in acquiring financial public aid grants, including European Funds. A major portion of submitted applications for European Foundations financing, prepared by KarStanS Ltd. as commissioned by its clients, had received grants.
For many years we have been a member of SDG - Association of Economic Consultants in Poland.
We are an accredited PARP performer in the framework of the following programs of the European Union:
Short summary of our main activities:
- We are counseling mainly all small and medium-sized companies, focusing on money management in the company.
- We prepare documents required to acquire funds from the European Foundations. We are an accredited counselor.
- We also prepare performance studies and business plans.
- We conduct enterprise, shares or stock appraisal.